The KDDI and Okinawa Cellular Phone will be abolished on March 31, 2022, on March 31, 2022, the "contract cancellation fee (cancellation fee)" in the mobile phone service of the "au" and "UQ Mobile" brand.As a result, after April 1 of the same year, the discounted service and price plan with a regular contract (2 to 4 years) will be canceled for free.There is no change in the basic (monthly) fee.
In addition, the two companies will eliminate the application conditions of "au mobile phone contract continuation" set in some of the device purchase programs in the au brand on April 1, 2021.As a result, even if the brand is changed or relocated to another company after the same day, the program can be applied if other conditions are met.
KDDIと沖縄セルラー電話からのお知らせThe discount services and price plans that are eliminated for the contract cancellation fee are as follows.The price plan with "★" includes something that does not support communication in the 3G area (with "L" at the end of the plan).
With the abolition of the contract cancellation fee, the "au Star gift certificate", which is granted when a member renews a two -year contract out of the benefits of the free member program "au Star", will be abolished in March 2022.Gifts given by March 2022 can continue to be used at the "au Pay Market" until the expiration date (the last day of the 6th month, including the past month).
2年契約(一部を除く)を継続した場合に付与される「au STAR ギフト券」は2022年3月を最後に付与されなくなるThe current fee plan that can apply "2 -year discount N" in the au brand is as follows.
[If a new contract / plan is changed by March 31, 2022]
If a two -year contract N is attached at the time of a new contract or a plan change, it can be used at the basic charge after the discount is applied after the use of the contract (abolition of the contract cancellation fee).
[If a new contract / plan is changed after April 1, 2022]
The actual fee plan, which is subject to the two -year contract N, will be applied to the "au Pay Card Payment" after April 1, 2022.Despite the fact that the au Pay card is paid, it is possible to receive the same discount as the two -year contract N, even if the target plan is changed after the same day.
The price plan to join the au Pay card payment from April 1, 2022 is as follows.
AU Pay card payments can only be applied by individual users.The discount program for corporate users will be guided separately as soon as it is decided.
2022年4月1日からau PAY カードお支払い割の適用対象となる料金プラン。法人ユーザーには別の割引を適用できるようにする予定だが、その詳細は後日発表されるWith the abolition of the contract cancellation fee, the UQ Mobile brand will end the provision of "long -term discounts" and "Sumatok" on March 31, 2022.However, since the discount fee after both programs from April 1 of the same year will be used as "regular charges", it can be used for the same monthly fee after the same day.
Among the AU brand's terminal purchase programs, the AU mobile phone contract continuation conditions are eliminated on April 1, 2022.
Note that programs other than the upgrade program (junior) will continue to pay for program fees.
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